Monday, November 25, 2019

Wool Applique Pincushion

Have you ever admired all those little wool applique items at your local quilt shop? I do all. The. Time. But my hand needlework is horrible. So I figured I might as well try getting better on little things I get for free from my local quilt store. The only bad thing, they are tiny. I have craft ADD and I tend to start a little thing and then abandon it a third of the way through. Also on the same hand, it shouldn't take me long to do. So, I am trying to have some discipline and actually work on this little guy. I'm working that blanket stitch so I don't feel too bad about that. The flowers I cut out leave a little to be desired. All in all, not too bad of a job.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Cutest Cork Wallet

I've been trying to think of ideas for Christmas presents this year to sew for my family. This is never a fast process for me, hence just starting. I love to make pretty things but normally run out of time and don't get much done before the holidays. Then I remembered that I bought a little cork wallet pattern by Sassafras Lane. It looked pretty easy so I tried it and finished it in about 90 minutes. I'm a very slow sewer. I got it at my local quilt shop for about $10. Needless to say, I will be making a ton of these. I think you can also make it out of other fabric as well. The imagination is the limit. Have fun!

Repairing a Quilt by Hand

     Repairing quilts is no easy task. I am learning this by trial and error on a quilt that I offered my services for. I have never repaire...